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Investitie in albumul printat de nunta

Cu totii asistam la schimbarile prin care a trecut fotografia in cativa ani, odata cu aparitia erei digitale, de la Polaroid de unica folosinta a parintilor nostri, camere de luat vederi pe caseta megnetica, la DSLR-uri si super telefoane capabile de fotografii extraordinare iar auto-portretul a fost reinventat in selfie.

Astazi, fotografiile exista predominant digital ca fisiere pe un smartphone, pe hard disk, sau Cloud.

Cu toate acestea, atunci cand este vorba despre nunta ta, nu ar trebui sa existe un al doilea gand cu privire la tiparirea albumului foto de nunta. Sa nu uitam, nunta este o amintire emotionala din viata noastra, nu doar oricare. De asemenea, efectul de atingere si simtire pe care il avem cand atingem hartia tiparita, nu este doar magnific, nimic nu poate bate acel sentiment, acele emotii.

Nunta voastra in sine este un eveniment special, iar fotografiile de nunta tiparite sunt mai mult decat pixeli pe un ecran de telefon sau laptop. De cele mai multe ori nici nu ne mai amintim de anumite evenimente, dar a vedea acele imagini tiparite creeaza o memorie intensa in mintea noastra. Albumul de nunta tiparit pastreaza momentul imortalizat pentru totdeauna!

Bunica ta are Facebook sau Instagram !? Sunt sigur ca nu.

Batranii nostri au propriile gusturi si preferinte. Astfel, albumul tau de nunta tiparit le-ar place mult, sa vada acele imagini ale voastre, asa cum au visat. Parintii si bunicii au o placere si fericire imensa rasfoind acele pagini printate.

Deci, de ce sa nu faci ziua bunicii mult mai fericita !!

Este vorba despre emotii.

Asa cum am spus la inceput, nunta voastra nu este doar un eveniment, ci este o aventura emotionala, vazand fotografiile de nunta tiparite poate fi de-a dreptul fascinant. Rasfoirea unor printuri profesionale poate fi infinit mai satisfacator decat sa-ti vezi fotografia pe un ecran. Fotografiile de nunta tiparite sunt amintiri tangibile, permanente ale nuntii dvs. pe care le puteti pastra oricand si oriunde doriti. 

Si pentru ca imi place sa fiu un exemplu pentru cei din jurul meu, casa familiei mele este plina de fotografii printate, puse in rama, si anual printez cel putin 300 de fotografii cu amintiri ale familiei mele.

Investment in wedding printed album

We are all witnessing the changes that the photography has gone through in a few years, with the advent of the digital age, from our parents single use Polaroid, camcorders on casette, DSLRs and super smartphones capable of extraordinary photos and the self-portrait was reinvented in selfie.

Today, pictures exist predominantly digitally as files on a smartphone, hard drive, or Cloud.

However, when it is about your wedding, there should be no second thought on printing the wedding photo album. Let's not forget, the wedding is an emotional memory of our life, not just any. Also, the touch and feel effect we have when we touch the printed paper, is not only magnificent, nothing can beat that feeling, those emotions.

Your wedding itself is a special event, and the printed wedding photos are more than pixels on a smartphone or laptop screen. Most of the time we don't even remember certain events, but seeing those printed images creates an intense memory in our mind. The printed wedding album keeps the moment immortalized forever!

Does your grandmother have Facebook or Instagram !? I'm sure not.

Our elders have their own tastes and preferences. Thus, your printed wedding album would love a lot, to see those images of yours, as they dreamed. Our elders have their own tastes and preferences. Thus, your printed wedding album would love a lot, to see those images of yours, as they dreamed. Parents and grandparents have immense pleasure and happiness browsing those printed pages.

So, why not make Grandma's day much happier !!

It is about emotions.

As I said at the beginning, your wedding is not just an event, but an emotional adventure, seeing the printed wedding photos can be quite fascinating. Browsing professional prints can be infinitely more satisfying than seeing your picture on a screen. Printed wedding pictures are tangible, permanent memories of your wedding that you can keep anytime, anywhere.

And because I like to be an example to those around me, my family's house is full of printed photos, framed, and annually I print at least 300 photos with memories of my family.

In aceasta era digitala, este inca o necesitate sa printezi album de nunta?

In this digital era, is it still a necessity to print wedding album?


Da, desigur! Si videoclipul de mai jos (3.22min) este ceea ce ma inspira pe mine personal sa printez foarte multe fotografii, atat in viata personala de familie, cat si sa incurajez cat mai multe cupluri sa aleaga un album printat.


Yes, of course! And the video below (3.22min) is what inspires me personally to print lots of pictures, from my personal family life, and also to encourage as many couples as possible to choose a printed album.

Designul albumului de nunta

Procesul de design a albumului este in colaborare cu voi. Dupa ce ati vazut fotografiile de nunta, va rugam sa selectati un set de 50-80 de fotografii foarte importante, obligatoriu de inclus in album, si un alt set de maxim 200 de fotografii care v-ar placea sa fie incluse in album. Vom face o prima versiune a albumului pe baza acestor alegeri. Apoi, cerem o confirmare finala cu privire la designul albumului si trimitem macheta finalizata unuia dintre furnizorii nostri de calitate si de incredere pentru tiparirea efectiva a albumului si copertarea lui. 


Wedding album design

The album design process is in collaboration with you. After you have seen the wedding pictures, please select a set of 50-80 very important pictures, mandatory to be included in the album, and another set of maximum 200 pictures that you would like to be included in the album. We will make a first version of the album based on these choices. Then, we ask for a final confirmation regarding the album design and we send the completed template to one of our quality and reliable suppliers for the effective printing of the album and its cover.

informatii albume

Ce dimensiune este cea mai potrivita ?

Which dimension is the most appropriate?

Pentru albumul de nunta al mirilor, recomand 30x30cm iar pentru albumele parintilor si/sau nasilor, 25x25cm.


For the wedding album of the couple, I recommend 30x30cm and for the albums of parents and/or godparents, 25x25cm.

Cate fotografii sunt necesare !?

How many photos are needed !?

Depinde de designul albumului, un minim de 100 de fotografii si maxim 300.


It depends on the design of the album, usually a minimum of 100 photos and a maximum of 300.

Cine face designul ?

Who does the design?

Cum am scris si mai sus, designul il fac eu dar ne vom consulta inainte si apoi va cer un ultim feedback inainte de a-l trimite la tipografie.

As I wrote above, I do the design but we will consult first and then ask for one last feedback before sending it to the printing typography.

Cine alege fotografiile ?


Who chooses the photos?

Ideal, ar fi ca voi. Dar in lipsa unei bune inspiratii, pot sa ma ocup eu. Cu mentiunea ca va fi nevoie de mai mult timp.

Ideally, it would be you. But in the absence of good inspiration, I can handle it. With the mention that more time will be needed.

In cat timp este gata un album ?

How long is a printed album ready ?

Aproximativ 14 zile, daca luam in considerare 5 zile designul albumului si pana la 10 zile tiparirea efectiva a albumului si copertile lui.

About 14 days, if we consider 4-5 days the album design and up to 10 days the actual printing of the album pages and its covers.

Pot sa printez albume si pentru parinti si nasi ? Primesc o reducere ?


Can I print albums for parents and godparents too ? Do I get a discount ?

Da, ideal ar fi sa printam albume si pentru ei, satisfactia lor va fi infinita. De obicei da, exista o reducere pentru printarea a 4 albume, daca designul este acelasi. 


Yes, ideal would be to print albums for them too, their satisfaction will be infinite. Usually yes, there is a discount for printing four albums, if is the same design.

Cat rezista un album in timp ?


How long does an album last ?

Este greu de estimat, depinde de cat de bine aveti grija de el, fara pixuri, lichide si alte elemente care ar strica si un tricou. Dar pot sa iau in considerare ca albumele realizare acum 10 ani sunt foarte ok chiar si acum.


It is difficult to estimate, it depends on how well you take care of it, without pens, liquids and other items that would ruin even a shirt. But I can consider that the albums made 10 years ago are very ok even now.

Peste 6-7 ani, mai poti printa albumul ?


Over 6-7 years, can you still print the album ?

Da! In cazul nefericit in care se va strica, pot sa asigur printarea lui din nou, contra-cost, fiindca pastrez designul albumului. Este posibil doar copertile sa nu fie identice, materialele se mai schimba la cativa ani.


Yes! In the unfortunate case that it will ruin, I can assure its printing again, at a cost, because I keep the album design. It is possible only the covers not to be the same, materials change every few years.

Ce variante de culori sunt ?


What color variations are they ?

Variantele difera in fiecare an, de stocul fiecarei tipografii. Gama de culori variaza intre 10 si 50 de culori diferite, atat piele ecologica cat si textil.


The variants differ each year, by stock of each printing typography. The color range varies from 10 to 50 of different colors, both eco leather and textile.

Ce variante de coperti avem ?


What types of covers do we have ?

Piele ecologica, piele intoarsa, textil stil canvas sau coperta carton printat. Cel mai adesea, clientii au ales coperta de piele ecologica pentru eleganta ei.


Eco-leather, suede leather, canvas style fabric or printed cardboard cover. Most often, customers have chosen eco-leather cover for its elegance.

Bucharest, Romania, Europe and Destination Weddings Photographer

 ©Rafi Photography Copyright 2007-2024
Toate fotografiile imi apartin. Tonul si intensitatea culorilor poate varia in functie de monitor/ecran/device.

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